Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Reading the tables

In classes, it's sometimes interesting to read what's written on the tables. Sometimes it's vulgar, sometimes it's funny, but very rarely anything intelligent.
Today I found something pretty smart. It's in french, so I'll translate (very approximately) for you.

Dieu a dit (God said)
Il faut pacifier (Make peace)
Il faut désarmer (No weapons)

Bush a compris (Bush understood:)
Il faut pas s'y fier (Don't trust them)
Il faut des armées (You need armies)

Why is this smart? Well, because if you pronounce it in french, "Il faut pacifier" sounds exactly like "il faut pas s'y fier". And "Il faut désarmer" sounds like "il faut des armées".

Apart from that, I went online, found the classroom for a class this afternoon, but there were lots of people there, all in Master 1. So I don't know where that class will take place. Don't you love university?

1 comment:

Jesouris said...

mdrrrrrrrrr trop trop fort! je vais ptetre mm te piquer ca!