Saturday, September 09, 2006

My licence

OK, now that I've explained how it works, may as well tell you how it went for me this morning. I was first to pass the exam, and I had to drive in town for 5-10 minutes, until we got to a residential area. There, I was asked to backup into a street - and I completely messed up that manoeuvre.

From there, I drove some more, mostly on the freeway, and then came back into town, and had to park, which I did rather sucessfully! Then I had to check the tires, make sure they weren't torn on the side, etc... and I also had to use the back window-wipers.
So I'm not sure if I got my licence or not, in Rennes, since many inspectors got attacked after giving the results directly, they are always given by mail now. So I'm hoping to find out tomorrow. I'll keep you posted!


INAMINI said...

Getting a license in France is certainly harder than here. Having to check your tires- that could be intersting on my car! I hope you passed the test!

QUASAR9 said...

So the French have driving licences now, I thought Paris drivers just drove as if therewere no traffic laws. lol!