Thursday, September 28, 2006

4 geeks, 1 kitten

Todqy i4; typing on q qwerty keyboqrd<<< Cqn you tellM

No, seriously, I'll make an effort for my fellow bloggers and dear readers... I have to admit the combination of qwerty and a different OS (Solaris) is somewhat confusing especially for someone used to typing fast enough to get a "wow" from most easily-impressed people...

This zeek I hgqve qzqy q kitten to q good friend zho zqnted onem... ugh... I need to look where I'm typing! I found an owner for one of the kittens, in case you didn't get what I just typed.

I went over to his house the other day (Tuesday) after classes to have a karaoke evening, which was very fun. I'll (eventually) put up some pictures. What do you get when you put 4 geeks in the same room for an evening? Very hot, for one, no matter how cold it is outside, even with the window open. There were tons of computers running, printers, digital cameras, a TV, sound system... And hardly any room to breathe! Fun ;) And wacky. The guy who was organizing the evening has a pro camera, so we went overboard picture-wise. Some are so funny that they might end up on a promotional poster for the next Dazibao...
I'm surprised the neighbors don't complain. They must be used to him lol

It's cat-paradise... Little Neko-Chan 5`(that4s what he calls her for now until he can think of a more original name for a cat) has a blast hiding out in his room lol...

Apart from that, I've been mostly studying, learning java, I've started to learn regular expressions. Turns out one of my friends in college is also learning them so we have fun talking about it at lunch just to bug our biology-major friends :p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HMMMMM...Cat heaven- sounds perfect!