Saturday, July 01, 2006

Moved out for the summer

It always feels somewhat weird to pack up your stuff and leave. Stuff that USED to fit in your room at home, for some reason, just doesn't anymore after a year in college.
And I left some things, like my desk chair and printer... and posters.
I have so many books. It didn't FEEL like I actually bought that many, but I guess I must have because there's NO WAY they will ever fit on my bookshelf!
Surprisingly, my notes from classes and textbooks don't actually take up that much space. I guess if I printed out all I typed, though, it would take up more space. I'm keeping all that. Usually I just throw out most of my classes at the end of the year, but college is different.
It's nice to have my guitar at home. Next year I think I'll just bring my classical one to college, since I actually have more time to play on week-ends. It's too much a bother to lug it around so wherever I take it, it stays! LOL

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