Monday, June 05, 2006

oh, what a lovely day!

But not practical to work at all. And I have exams to prepare, so I'm
a bit stressed out.

here is a screenshot of my ical this week.
I figure I can at least study every night.

I am NOT ready for management at all, so I'll work on that today and
tomorrow on my way to school (in the bus or the train-whatever)
méthodologie maths, I am as ready as I can be, so I'm not worried.
Analyse, I still need to work on it, but I'm more ready than I was
last week, which is progress.
Micro-économie, well I *think* I'm ready. Still have to work on it,
though. AND remember to bring a calculator...
Méthodologie informatique, I mean, how more ready can you get? Excel
isn't the hardest thing on earth.
Japanese- oral exam *should* go OK: I know how to read smoothly
enough, and understand most of the vocabulary, and can generally
answer questions correctly.
Algèbre: I'm ready. I'll just study maybe another hour or so before
the exam, just in case. but then again, it's addictive, so the danger
is to study ONLY that subject.
Institutions Politiques. I figure a blue underliner and reading my
classes a bit every night should do the trick.
Japanese on Saturday: for crying out loud, I have a WHOLE DAY to
study for that, and besides, I'm ready!!!!!!

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