Thursday, June 08, 2006

farm in town and why I don't "do" sandwiches anymore...

After my exams (that went well, BTW), I went into town to meet up with two friends, and the three of us went to the parlement plaza where long chairs were laid out... And we got free milk because there's the farming festival in town, so that was nice.
Although it kind of smells up the place: cows and goats right by city hall!!! Two weeks ago there was a gay/lesbian meeting there against homophobia. I was interested to look into the stands, what they had to say and all that but I really felt out of place. At least that's what it felt like, since it was after classes and not too many people were there, it was the last hour of the expo. And half of them were wearing animator tags and when I was just looking at the signs they put up, and reading their info, they didn't seem interested in talking to me. So I didn't stay long. Anyway back to today.
Then we went grocery shopping. I got a picnic for tonight: rice and milk and some chips. Not very balenced, but better than sandwiches. I am so sick and tiered of sandwiches. I've eaten a sandwich nearly every day this year because it's the fastest thing to eat between classes and it's cheap, too. Yesterday I ate three sorbet popsicles for lunch because they were on sale, it was hot and it seemed a reasonable alternative to sandwiches. I ate three because that was the smallest available box in the supermarket and I didn't have a freezer on hand.
We didn't take any pictures though, because Charlotte's mom borrowed her camera, I left mine at home and Elisa's is out of battery. Would have been quite a sight, though, cows in town!!
Charlotte has a new webcam, which reminds me: I SOOOOOOOO need a macbook!!!!
I'm not sure I can go swimming in Apigné tomorrow, there aren't that many buses (only one an hour in the afternoon) and I have a driving lesson, so I couldn't stay there very long. It's easier to just go to the pool, even though a lake is much more fun.

I got to stop chattering. This post was fairly pointless.
Soon I'll get some interesting stuff up, I'm working on writing short stories this summer. And I'll also talk about what I'm reading and what I'm learning. I COULD tell you about the exact content of my exams, but I'm not sure that's too interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well it's interesting to me^^ wish i could be in rennes with you looks like you're having a blast (a part from exams lol) i would advise you not to eat popsicles like you ate sandwiches it would be so "dommage" to be sick of posicles!!!!