Wednesday, June 28, 2006

it's selling magazines, for crying out loud!!

Seriously. Who CARES if you're good at interrupting people in a debate? Who CARES if you're good at talking to a group. What you need is to be able to go up to people, and talk to them one-on-one, listen to their needs, counsel them, and not get discouraged if they tell you to get lost, but keep on doing it!!!

I'm good at that. I'm a christian for crying out loud. I spend my summers inviting people to gospel concerts and telling them about Jesus. Of course some people reject me. Of course I have to walk up to them. And keep on going.

Who are they to judge me for a performance at talking to a group? I'm not going to sell any magazines by standing on a box in front of a crowd and talking to them!!! I'd be AWFUL at that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

frankly people who call that an interview do not deserve to have u as an employee. You escaped a bad job.