Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Visitor stats, or why do people google a URL?

I was looking at my stats, and I noticed that 2 people found my blog by googling my URL...
What's up with that?

1. What's the point in putting a URL in google, if you already know where you're going?

2. How in the world did they know MY URL? My URL is long, it is unusual and complicated, and I don't know anybody in Italy. Lucky guess?
If it was just Waiting, wishing, I could understand. But adding alessia afterwards is almost like the person already knew my blog :p

Also, I suppose people found my recent post :)
My OS X user stats exploded! They went from a usual 5% of users to 17% :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suspect it was a bit of hacker activity...someone trying to see what other files Google may have found on your site.