Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy new year!!

2007 (already).

So what about 2006?

Apart from a relatively short period of time I found absolutely awful, and an absolute failure at respecting last year's new year's vows, a good year.
I got my driver's licence, I know where I'm going as far as studies go (for now at least), and I am happy.
Hopefully the university won't be blocked again this year.

* Jan: nothing noteworthy. Perhaps the narnia discussion evenings
* Feb: beginning of university-blockage
* March: Code de la route
* April: Paques 2006 (a highlight of the year)
* May: Classes start again
* June: Exams
* July: ODDS
* August: Island of ré, Belgium... etc...
* September: New start in a new university and driver's licence
* October: Actux
* November: a blur
* December: webdesign

And now for 2007!

Goals and projects

* Get my year with honors if possible
* Go to the States
* Beat Zelda
* more... but not really blogging material

Traditional new year's vows

* Read my Bible in one year
* Go to at least 80% of my classes
* Stop bad habits (I want pretty nails!)
* Start playing my guitar again
* Go swimming more often
* Learn PHP, AJAX...
* Learn C, C++, and whatever I can. not sure what languages to work on really at this point
* Become a better typer. It'll be good for my efficiency.
* Work on the accessiblilty of my web sites. With handheld stylesheets, printer styles, keyboard shortcuts, total seperation of CSS and XHTML in my code. Make good site maps.
* Stop making a fool of myself
* Go to bed earlier (I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!)

I guess that's about it.


thethinker said...

Happy 2007!

Lexa Roséan said...

happy new year and best of luck meeting all your goals :)

Anonymous said...

Bobby Griffin asked me to post here because he says you are slightly sad and lonely - but I read your blog and I think he is wrong. You are OK despite what he says!

Newforestandy said...

Happy New Year, and sounds like your going to be busy.

I see Mutley gets everywhere, all as part of him promoting Bridport Tourism, no doubt!

tony said...

Happy New Year From A New reader

Angela said...

I had to smile, chuckle as I read these. Im just now catching up with you and your blog posts. Good luck with getting to bed earlier. I know you can do it!! (me too?)