Monday, October 30, 2006

why is it...?

... that when I'm finally picking up speed in my stats (bear with me. 2000-something sounds PRETTY good to me) I'm not actually posting very much? I wish I had so much success when I actually had something to say.
It's not that I don't have things to say, I just havn't had time.

I've been very busy. I've been working on putting linux on my iBook and configurating it. It's a wonderful learning experience. I love Mac OS and I don't think I really need linux- in fact I'm so tight space-wise that I actually should only have one OS on my computer, dual booting is almost a problem.
But the learning experience makes it all worthwhile. I still don't know much- but I know a whole lot more than I knew even just a week or two ago!
Eventually if I have time, I'll compile everything that worked for me and put it up here. I know many sites already have put that sort of thing online, but some tips don't work on all machines (I've tested them) and it's just a good idea to post them, if only to keep them handy for reference (my own) - a notebook is physical, I cannot consult a notebook I left at home if I'm travelling. A note on my computer would be handier- but if I'm having problems with my OS, not really. I can go online anytime, though.
Anyway, it looks to me like I'm getting more and more command-line oriented. I've tried some graphical utilities which have in the background exectued some commands I never wished them to (just opening my Disk Utility program on my mac made me have to reinstall yaboot *I think*- it could be something else but I think that's where the problem came from)

Well got to go

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