Sunday, June 11, 2006

Become an Xcoder...

I just spent the afternoon reading that file, up to chapter 9. Of course I'll have to go back and re-read certain passages to fully assimilate them, but it's very interesting. To get the .pdf file, just click on the title of this post.

It's a book about how to start progamming the mac using Objective-C. (not very original, am I? I just copied the subtitle of the book!!)

I'm really planning on learning as much as I can this summer with my free time.

I have several goals I want to fulfill this summer:

a. get my driver's licence
b. learn as much as I can - kanji, programming, etc...
c. get a job for next year
d. make a website...

Without counting, of course, all my other plans that actually are on my calendar.

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